Parchment paper to write on
Good Topics For An Argumentative Research Paper
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Innovative Technology Developing Its Product-Myasignmenthelp.Com
Question: Clarify Innovative Technology Developing Its Product? Answer: Presentation: Amazon is a U.S.A based organization that manages electronic exchanging and distributed computing. Jeff Bezos in Seattle, Washington propelled it on fifth day of July 1994 (AMZN Company Profile Executives - Inc. - Wall Street Journal 2017). In the underlying stage, Amazon was for the most part managed online book shop. Later on, it was extended its business in different fields like Blue-beams, music player, video downloading, home dcor, food and refreshments, gems, etc. Buyer solid gadgets like encourage tablets and fire tablets were additionally created by the organization (Wulff, Hills and Hertwig 2015). Amazon has diverse business site fourteen nations including nations like United States, United realm, India, Australia, Japan, China, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Brazil and Mexico. Amazon logo uncovered the companys business nature as it is planned with a bended bolt started with a to z. Amazon has concentrated on inventive innovation and building up its item reference step by step. The item rundown of this organization incorporates media like books, music players, video, purchaser item, home dcor, mechanical and logical things, kitchen items, different sorts of instruments, products identified with sports, types of gear, games including each conceivable basic ware (Hann, Ogneva, and Ozbas 2013). Amazon has purchased numerous locales, for example,,, in the year 2010. According to the market enumeration in 2016, Amazon positioned as fourth most important open organization in the globe with its most unmistakable offer and administration (Sorokina and Cantu-Paz 2016). The focal point of convergence of this report is to depict the different parts of Amazon Company. This report likewise features the essential origination on Baconian technique, structure examination of Amazon Company and the separating procedure of Amazon. Conversation: Bacons strategy: Francis Bacon was a noticeable researcher in United Kingdom (Rossi 2013). He had served his nation as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. Bacon is known as the dad of experimentation. His work depended on rudimentary thinking and cautious examination cum perception of occasions. He underscored the likelihood of logical information. The technique made by Francis Bacon is an insightful investigation on present day science (Bacon 2013). As per him, a precise perception is important to discover the quality realities. Bacon figures the investigation of nature and his idea depended on exact information, which is established in the regular world. With his hypothesis, Beckon attempted to defeat scholarly barricade. He contradicted to the way of thinking of Aristotle. The hypothesis of Beckon is for the most part dependent on regular law and a profound perception with respect to it. Francis Beckon has produced three fundamental area of observation. They are realities, proof and e xploration. Francis Beckon has recorded his work in his book Novum Organum (Bacon 2016). His examination developed with normal science and he attempted to explore it with a methodology of logical technique. Bacons technique is the establishment of new age logical examination. In his hypothesis, there is a conjunction of nature and science. Bacons thought varied with the possibility of researcher. Bacon amusingly uncovered that logical development could be conceivable by keeping up the common way of thinking. Bacons reasoning was highly respected by the then individuals and they began to use the nature for productive increase. This causes a renaissance and the way of life of western culture has significantly changed. Structure of Amazon: A corporate structure indicates the plan and procedure of collaboration and correspondence among its individuals (Rothaermel 2015). The structure of Amazon discovers the operational exercises of directors in the field of different business portions. Amazon is one of the top retail stages. Accordingly, it is essential to the organization to hold a decent authoritative structure to keep up its notoriety in the market. Sufficient structure would give Amazon an expanding market capital. The structure of Amazon can be ordered into three sections: worldwide capacity based gatherings, worldwide progression and geographic divisions (Delgado-Ratto 2014). The best capacity of all driving business association is its structure of capacity based gatherings. Amazon isn't a special case. Capacity based structure assists with encouraging business activity. The authoritative structure of Amazon included the workplace of the CEO, branch of advancement program identifying with business, a solid money related structure, with a goal to control purchaser business globally, to keep up a decent bookkeeping procedure and buyer business and to propagate lawful and secretariat. Pecking order is one of the ordinary attributes from the perspective on institutional element. It assists with communicating the substance of worldwide framework from the part of order to impact the online strategy of retail firm. Order intends to provide an authoritative request. For an occasion, the orders given by the ranking directors are relevant to the organization, regardless of its branches. It assists with rearranging the administrative power over the whole association of Amazon. Amazon is one of the greatest retail entrances on the planet. It has diverse business site in different nations. Consequently, geographic divisions are additionally incorporates inside the basic attributes of Amazon. It assists with dealing with the online business all through the world. It assists with understanding the local interest of a state as it is unique in relation to one state to another and it is essential to meet all the prerequisite of a client if there should arise an occurrence of work the business easily. Amazon has partitioned its geographic division in two sections, North American zone and global zone (Alden et al. 2016). The corporate structure of Amazon is strong in nature. In light of reasonable structure, Amazon has accomplished universes fourth most significant open organization in the year 2016. The capacity based gathering and chain of command structure carries Amazon to actualize fast and powerful administrative orders. Geographic divisions likewise help to concentrate on the online retail program in specific districts referenced in this. The executives of Amazon: Amazon maintains its business from an unmatched way of success by the help of an accomplished supervisory group (Teece 2017). It gets one of the predominant organizations that qualified to distributed computing administration. Jeff Bezos was the originator of the organization and he is the executive of the governing body of Amazon. The organization has accomplished such an amazing situation for his huge exertion. In any case, Chief Executive Officer, Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Technology Officer oversee Amazon (AMZN Company Profile Executives - Inc. - Wall Street Journal 2017). The primary capacity of the Chief Executive Officer of Amazon is to take care of the key just as operational jobs of the organization. The cardinal obligation of a CEO is to distinguish the best possible market for Amazon, to guarantee the viable use of the assets of the organization, development of different procedures in the domain of association, and orchestrating gatherings to examine about different issues identifying with the companys advertise issues. Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon. Investors of an organization might be alluded as an individual from the company (Collision et al. 2014). These investors choose the executive of an organization. Chiefs are taken an interest in the gathering that sorted out by the governing body. One of the significant capacities by the executive of an organization is to deal with the fiscal summaries and administration issues. Executive of Amazon additionally speak with the clients and colleagues to make new arrangements and association. Daniel P. Huttenlocher and Wendell P. weeks are the executives of Amazon. To work an organization like Amazon easily, it is critical to deal with its money related program in a deliberate manner. CFO of Amazon does this capacity. He gives viable money related asset to the genuine advancement of Amazon. He needs to take care of the arrangement like expense, bookkeeping, speculator relations, and budgetary arranging. Brian Olsavsky is named as the Chief Financial Officer of Amazon in the year 2015. Boss Technology Officer of Amazon takes care of the mechanical angles just as the specialized activity inside the corporate premises of the organization. He presents his report legitimately to the CEO. Warner Vogels is the CTO of Amazon. Difficulties looked by Amazon: The facts confirm that Amazon is the greatest achievement in the field of online retail part. It has extended its business in fourteen distinct nations with various online interfaces. Being a monster retail organization, desire from Amazon is additionally confident like sky. Numerous a period it has been seen that Amazon couldn't meet all the desire for its client. Amazon has numerous rivals in advertise (Ramirez-Gomez et al. 2015). The most critical opponents are Alibaba gathering, eBay, Microsoft Corporation, Facebook Inc., Wal-Mart that make constant market pressure and because of that, Amazon had to build its market cost in different angles. That could be a test to the organization in not so distant future. Amazon has taken another enhancement methodology from the point of view of hazard the board. Tragically, Amazon has neglected to take essential technique in regards to it. This can assist Amazon with moving endlessly from its unique track and center ability. Amazons free transportation procedure can be perilous if there should be an occurrence of losing its edges, which can't be streamlined on cost (Hua, Hou and Bian 2016). Amazon has taken certain measures to develop and reshape client experience. In spite of the fact that the organization has increased huge accomplishment through it, in 2012 had experienced tremendous misfortune, as turned into the greatest website flood. Amazon is an online retail entrance. Probably the greatest test looked by Amazon is digital hacking that leaves its client dat
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Technology Assessment Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Innovation Assessment Plan - Research Paper Example 1.2 IT Management Structure The IT the board structures includes for the executives posts with various leveled utilitarian appointment stream from top down ward. The administration comprise of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as Todd Hoppens; Chief Information Officer(CIO) as Jared Campbell; Chief Technical Officer (CTO) as Felix Yanez; lastly IT VP as Nicholas Williams. Aside from the supervisory group, there are usage groups or IT specialists that execute the innovation plan. A revealing graph 1.3 Technology Plan Goals An innovation guide is an arrangement that supplement present moment and long haul destinations with exact innovation answers for help meet those objectives or targets. It is a technique that is material to another item or strategy, or to a best in class innovation. Innovation is dynamic and ToJa and FeNi Corporation can't stay on business in the event that they don't catch new development of chocolate creation. The goal of this arrangement is to perceive the IT Infrast ructure necessities for the following 2 years for ToJa and FeNi Corporation by giving (Bolan, and Cullin, 2007): A stock of current innovation resources. IT Infrastructure documentation distinguishing future needs. An organized arrangement, including a spending plan, for tending to these necessities. 1.4 Plan Review The innovation plan is a duty of the ToJa and FeNi Corporation the board and IT office. The CEO, CIO, CTO and IT VP are answerable for the arrangement execution. Mechanical survey and update must be done when another innovation develops. So the organization should consistently financial plan for innovation redesign. Advancement subsection must be made to evaluate innovations rise and exhort the administration with appropriate proposal. 2 Executive Summary The innovation plan procedure of ToJa and FeNi Corporation includes: characterizing the available innovation methodology; distinguishing the prerequisite; structure, create and buy vital innovation; actualize and train the staffs; lastly keeping up and keep learning. Innovation plan is fundamental for the development of the business. By concentrating on its qualities, its significant clients, and the central qualities important, ToJa and FeNi Corporation will increase deals continuously in its initial two years after innovation usage, while additionally supporting the gross edge on deals, with a center onâ cash the board and working capital. This innovation plan drives the way. It remodels the company’s vision and vital center: increasing the value of the objective piece of the overall industry, and strengthening associations with organizations in the nearby markets. It likewise gives the bit by bit plan for improving deals, creation, net edge, and benefit. Innovation plan upgrades the association with applicable partners through systems administration. Innovation propels is the foundation and premise of any business progress consequently the requirement for ToJa and FeNi Corporation to de al with innovation plan. The official administration must grasp the way that innovation is dynamic and should be proceeds and gotten ready for. Propelled confectionary items are fabricated with the use of the cut edge innovations. Current high capacity equipment,â strict dedication to the creation advances, just high greatness crude materials guarantees
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essential Techniques To Capitalize On Affiliate Sales
Essential Techniques To Capitalize On Affiliate Sales Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Essential Techniques To Capitalize On Affiliate SalesUpdated On 23/04/2017Author : AmarendraTopic : Make MoneyShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogEvery blogger’s aim is to post some informative articles that would attract the targeted audience easily. They also aim to make some money through their blog which becomes possible with the affiliate marketing alternative. You might be one among them wishing to promote your blog to earn money. If so, you need to follow some techniques to maximize affiliate sales of your blog and also to sustain your customers.Even though there are lots of ways to promote a particular product in the market, you should be choosing the best method to get your blog visitors to prefer on a particular product and buy it. So, naturally you need to focus on finding the products that are selling in a good rate in the c urrent trend and then move on to advertise them on your blog. These techniques work great on my site where I Nuance and Eltima Coupon and helped me to create few bucks with affiliate sales.What actually is Affiliate Sales?As you can think this is a kind of sales and yes its true. So if you can’t sale then it’s simply no profit for you. Affiliate sales are the sales in which you sell products which are manufactured or designed by other companies and you help them with a platform, like your website or blog, to drive traffic to their site and converting the visitors to customers. Not to mention, you get a percentage of their sales.Reliable productsTry and choose trustworthy products to advertise them on your blog. If a customer buys a product through your website, after reading some articles/posts in your blog, and if he/she has any questions or issues, the first person they are going to raise the question on, will be none other than you. So, you need to make sure that you market a nd advertise only trustworthy products. You also need to know complete details about the product to make sure that you answer the customers, whenever they approach you for a query.Analyze ideasThe next step is to analyze. You have to outline new ideas everyday to enable your blog to sustain on the World Wide Web, since the number of people visiting the internet is increasing day by day. Take your own time to frame new ideas which will surely help you to get more followers. Portray the products in an eye-catching manner and ensure that you are completely done with the process of analysis before you start to execute your plans.READ3 Business Technology Practices That Will Save Your SoulProvide regular updatesYou need to introduce new products then and there to your customers when they are updated in your blog. An email-list will help you perform this task. Build a good Email Marketing List for this. The customers will be able to know the regular updates and so they will visit your blo g at regular intervals which thereby results in maximizing your affiliate sales.Sustain trafficIf your blog is bound to get more traffic on daily basis, be sure to promote products that possess high credibility. You need to make proper research before promoting a product. You will be paid by the company that actually manufactures the product, for every single product the customer buys from your blog/site. If you promote cheap and unreliable products, you are bound to lose your customers which directly will affect your affiliate sales.Product reviewsWriting reviews about those products that you had put up on your blog will actually help you to get more visitors, since most people tend to purchase products only after going through reviews posted in various websites/blogs. You can write about the advantages and disadvantages, the cost, and discount offers regarding a particular product. This helps to bond with your customers easily as they will start to trust your blog than before.With all that being said, you need to mix all these various techniques to promote the products to maximize your affiliate sales.This article is written by Amarendra loves. Has works for discount coupon blogs that provides latest coupon code deals that features on jupiter images and istockphoto discount deals.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Confucianism - 735 Words
What is the ideal person supposed to be or do? In any religious system, this is always the paramount question. Confucianism itself is not a religion, per se, but a set of first principles of social organization and behavior, so there are no larger otherworldly implications to the Confucian plan for humanity. For Confucius, life consists of ethical principles: the central problem with humanity is anything which exacerbates human tendencies towards social disharmony. The Confucian system is one in which social order is paramount: Douglas Soccio defines Confucius not as a religious figure or philosopher per se, but as the social sage (Soccio 33). Confucius offers no prescriptions about deities or the afterlife, but instead gives rules of conduct in essence a manual of etiquette, which manages to raise etiquette to the level of a Kantian moral imperative which results in the larger set of ethical precepts that comprise the teachings of Confucius. For Confucius, the goal for every human b eing is to live in greatest harmony within society, which means adhering to specifically-defined social roles. In some sense, Confucianism is not a religion but it places its most reverent attitudes towards the idea of education Confucius himself is presented as no more than a teacher (of right behavior, of rules of conduct, more than a teacher of moral inquiry) and good education is central to the Confucian concept of good behavior and for its fairly circumscribed sense of any the largerShow MoreRelatedConfucianism : Taoism, Confucianism, And Confucianism1156 Words  | 5 PagesRaymond Cho EALC 350 October 29, 2014 Professor Birge Which philosophy: Taoism, Confucianism, or Legalism would be best in your opinion for maintaining a peaceful society? Why? Perhaps there is no single philosophy that can create a truly peaceful society. The conundrum of choosing a philosophy to embody a peaceful society is rather complicated, as the ideologies of the philosophies often differ greatly from their real world application. Debates over ideologies can create global scale problemsRead MoreChristianity And Confucianism : Confucianism2203 Words  | 9 PagesChristianity and Confucianism Christianity and Confucianism are important religions today at least according to the Chinese. As a result, the rising influence brought about by Confucianism in China tends to trigger conflicts between the two religions. The Chinese society is greatly influenced by Confucianism, which has a considerable impact on Christianity as a religion in China. The modes of thinking associated with Confucianism are evident in the Chinese Christianity, but Confucianism ideas are deeplyRead MoreConfucianism, Taoism, And Confucianism1277 Words  | 6 Pagesmain philosophies: Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. These beliefs helped shape Chinese culture as well as Chinese history. Not only did people believe in these ideas, but the three helped to govern the mighty Chinese dynasties. These dynasties all provided an impact to each doctrine; the philosophy that had the greatest impact was legalism because it ended the Warring States Period, provided structure, and strengthened agriculture, and the military of China. Although Confucianism, Taoism and LegalismRead MoreA Short History Of Confucianism And Confucianism1196 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Dimick 23 November 2014 A Short History of Confucianism Confucianism is a way of life propagated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius in the 6th–5th century BCE, and it has been followed by the Chinese for more than 2000 years. Although Confucianism as changed over time, at its core, it is still places the same emphasis on the substance of learning, the source of values, and the social code of the Chinese. Additionally, the influence of Confucianism has extended to other countries such as KoreaRead MoreDifferences Between Confucianism And Confucianism1084 Words  | 5 Pagesphilosophies were similar, like their beliefs about man and society; their ideas were a little bit different and each had their own focus. The difference in focus between Confucianism and Taoism is that Confucianism was focused on having a structured society. It held as a principle the brotherhood of humanity. The opinion of Confucianism in humans was that for humans to live in harmony with each other there needed to be a type of hierarchy in place. That†™s why he had the five Confucian relationships inRead MoreEssay on Confucianism1052 Words  | 5 PagesConfucianism What is Confucianism? Confucianism was the single most important thing in Chinese life. It affected everything in China; education, government, and attitudes toward behavior in public and private life. Confucianism is not a religion, but it is more a philosophy and a guide to morality and good government. The Laozian and Mohist critiques of the Confucianism are both in an accurate fashion. Most significant value from Lazi is The Tao Te Jing. It is true that, while ConfucianismRead MoreEssay on Confucianism2000 Words  | 8 PagesConfucianism A philosopher named Confucius founded Confucianism in China 2,500 years ago. Confucianism is a system of ethical behavior and social responsibility that became the great traditions of the East.1 It played an important role in the evolution in Chinese culture over the centuries. It has influenced near-by countries and had made a mark in the history of religion. There are today over six million people who call themselves Confucianists. Most Confucianists live in East Asia whereRead More Confucianism Essay2049 Words  | 9 Pages Confucianism Mencius vs Hsun Tzu nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is man naturally good or is he evil? This question has not only been pondered by countless philosophers, but also by religious leaders around the world. Most often a single religious faith believes in either one or the other, and often these beliefs tend to create a certain world-view which dictates much of the faith. However, in some cases such as the one I will be discussing, two religious dignitaries do not agree and the repercussionsRead MoreContributions Of Confucianism1034 Words  | 5 PagesConfucius was a great Chinese philosopher, but he was also a teacher, editor, and politician. He was born on September 28, 551 BC, and died in 479 BC. He was most well known as Confucius, but his real name is Kong Qiu. After his death, Confucianism became the official imperial philosophy of China. Later after his death, he was regarded as a sage who deserved greater recognition, and his teachings became more popular. He accomplished many great things in his life, and died a successful man. Read MoreIs Confucianism A Religion?1595 Words  | 7 PagesIs Confucianism A Religion? Without a doubt, Confucius is regarded as one of the greatest sages of China history. Some people even refer to him as a deity. There have even been attempts to make Confucianism into a religion. However, present day people regard Confucius as an ethical teacher rather than a man of religious faith, and they refuse to believe that Confucianism is a religion. However, in order to determine whether Confucianism is a religion, the most important Confucian text, The Analects
Thursday, May 14, 2020
BTEC Unit 1 Assignment 2 - 6164 Words
BTEC Unit 1 Assignment 2 Cardiovascular System and Respi ratory System Ho Wai Chin (Jasmine) The Cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system is also known as the circulatory s ystem. It is made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood ce lls. is a network of blood vessels supplying the body with o xygen and nutrients, while removing carbon dioxide and wa ste. Our skin, bones, muscles, lungs, digestive tract, and nervous , endocrine, lymphatic, urinary, and reproductive systems us e the cardiovascular system as a transportation route for dist ribution of nutrients, oxygen, waste products, hormones, dr ugs, etc. (Adams et al, 2010)(Boundless, 2014) Heart The heart is situated in the left-hand side of the chest below the sternum. The†¦show more content†¦The superior vena cava and inferior vena cava are veins t hat receive deoxygenated blood from the body to empty the m into the right atrium of the heart. The superior vena cava receives blood from the upper body while the inferior vena cava receives blood from the lower body. (Adams et al., pg. 22) Pulmonary Artery and Vein The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from th e right ventricle of the heart to the lungs. It is the only artery in the body that carries deoxygenated blood. The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from the lun gs to the left atrium of the heart. It is the only vein in the bo dy that carries oxygenated blood. (Adams et al., pg. 22) Blood Vessels There are around 96,000km of arteries, arterioles, capillaries , venules and veins in the body that maintains blood circulati on in the body. These blood vessels have different structures due to their functions and the pressure of blood within them. Blood flowing through the arteries appear bright red due to i ts oxygenation. The blood drops off oxygen and takes up car bon dioxide at the capillaries. When it has reached the veins it is much bluer due to its low concentration of oxygen. (Adams et al., pg. 22) Vein Arteries Venuoles Towards the heart Arterioles Capillaries From the heart Image: http:// Arteries Arteries carry blood from the heart and they carryShow MoreRelatedResearch: Scientific Method and Social Care1464 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title BTEC L3 : Health and social care Year 1 Unit 22: Research Methodology for Health and Social Care Learner name Assessor name Nadia Anderson, Shauna Silvera Date issued Deadline Submitted on September 2013 (Individual issue dates set throughout the year) July 2014 (Individual deadline dates set throughout the year) Assignment title Research Methodology for Health and Social Care In this assessment you will have opportunities to provideRead MoreStrategic Management and Leadership Skills1089 Words  | 5 PagesBTEC assignments 2011  ©LAHE This assignment is a part/whole unit assessment activity BTEC – Level 7 Advanced Professional Diploma in Management Studies Assignment Brief UNIT TITLE: Developing Strategic Management and Leadership skills Assignment: Tutor: Date Set: Date of Submission: Instructions: Mr Tayo Tewogbade March 2011 17th April, 2011 Answer all questions Learning outcomes and criteria covered by this assignment 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeares Hamlet - 1284 Words
Seeking revenge can cause a person to turn insane and blindly seek retaliation. Shakespeare’s Hamlet contemplates revenge throughout the story. Madness and revenge are similar themes in the movie, The Lion King, where the main character, Simba, is faced with the death of his father, leading him to do whatever it takes to seek revenge. This is where madness usually is introduced as a problem within a character, and this problem leads to the character doing things that they don’t usually do, sometimes dangerous things. The fathers of both Hamlet and Simba die, and the only one to blame is someone trusted amongst them. They seek revenge for their father’s unjust deaths. Betrayal, love and loss drive both characters to seek revenge. The death of their fathers leads them to go mad, and this mental state leads to them questioning the motives of close people in their lives. As both stories deal with loss, betrayal and anger, one can easily notice how these stori es share a light and dark side. There’s tragedy in the lives of everyone, even people of high status and royalty. Grief and tragedy can cause even a king to go mad and fill their heart with sadness and anger. There is a dark side within the families of Hamlet and Simba. Hamlet’s father is the king. However, the dark theme is portrayed through his brother, Claudius. Claudius shows his darkness through committing one of the worst crimes, murder. Not only that, but he kills his own brother so he can becomeShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet981 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is a historic writer that is well known and wrote many plays in his lifetime. In most of his plays, if not all, he has incorporated hidden meanings and messages. The majority of his hidden meanings are controversial topics of his time period. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the controversial topic that is throughout the play is religion and the afterlife. Afterlife plays a big role in Hamlet and is discussed throughout the play. Multiple authors have written on the topic of afterlifeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet964 Words  | 4 Pagesunsatisfactory situation. In William Shakespeares Hamlet, a characters inability to overcome their weakness due to it being emphasized by their unfortunate circumstance results in their tragic downfall. This is illustrated through Hamlets over thinking, Claudiuss ambition, and Gertrudes naive persona. Hamlets character is one that is very thoughtful and conscious, however some view these qualities as procrastination and over thinking. Even Hamlet himself acknowledges this inRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet745 Words  | 3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is a unique character due to his unpredictability. He is attempting to discover the truth in a way that no other character of Shakespeare’s has done. We find Hamlet in a state of deep melancholy due to the death of his father, as well as the very sudden and lewd marriage of his uncle and his mother. Hamlet is inspired by the player giving the speech about Hecuba witnessing the massacre of her husband, Priam. He goes off on his own, and he is bewilderedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1482 Words  | 6 PagesIn one of William Shakespeare’s most notorious plays, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses multiple scenes filled with drama to add a certain extreme dimension to the play. In a story filled with drama, such as Hamlet, an author attempts to use intense dialogue and actions in order to invoke personal emotions and feelings in the hearts of the audience. Shakespeare attempted to have the audience feel the pain that Hamlet experienced, sense the feelings of revenge that were deep in the heart of the prince, andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1308 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, has deep meaning and sorrow to its story. It has one of the most famous soliloquies ever to be written in theater art, â€Å"To be, or not to be.†At first, reading Shakespeare’s writing seems difficult to understand and be interested in, but as the reader reads on and digs into the roots of the play, it truly grabs the reader’s attention and makes him/her want to know more of the thoughts behind Hamlet. Thus, the story of Hamlet begins and his personality shows throughoutRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet 2214 Words  | 9 PagesMadness within: Bipolar William Shakespeare had the uncanny ability to read people then put into words how individuals reacted with one another. His most known playwright is â€Å"Hamlet†. Hamlet leads the opening of the play with grandeur; but, when his father’s ghost of comes to visit him telling of Hamlet’s uncle Claudius killed him. Hamlet schemes a plan pursuing revenge. Hamlet demonstrates depression exceptionally, in the presence of his mother and Uncle Claudius. Shakespeare’s character likely labeledRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay751 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet might well claim to be Shakespeares most famous play because of its language and the charm of its central character. Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individuallyRead More William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1277 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet has been praised and revered for centuries as one of William Shakespeares best known and most popular tragedies. Based on its popularity, critics alike have taken various viewpoints and theories in order to explain Hamlets actions throughout the play. The psychoanalytic point of view is one of the most famous positions taken on Hamlet.           Psychoanalytic criticism is a type of literary criticism that analyzes and classifies many of the forms ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1172 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet is a complex story that uses many literary devices to help develop the characters in Hamlet. One dominant device is irony. The main plot of the story revolves around irony. Hamlet is a witty character and loves to use irony. Hamlet’s use of irony displays how he insults people, discovers useful information, and reveals his true character. The use of irony in this story helps to add depth to each character, which is why Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex stories. There are three typesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay2474 Words  | 10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet When first introduced to Hamlet he is a character full of pain and confusion, still mourning his father’s death, ‘But two months dead-nay, not so much, not two’.[1] The punctuation here highlights Hamlet’s anguish. Significantly, Hamlet is already portrayed as a misfit, as no one else within the court but Hamlet is wearing mourning clothes; in Shakespeare’s time it would have been worn for at least a year following the death of a king.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Procedures Financial Report Information DIPL †Free Samples
Question: Application Of Analytical Procedures To The Financial Report Information Of DIPL? Answer: Introducation Analytical processes to the financial report information of DIPL can help in developing the plan of audit. This plan of audit can be considered to be a particular guideline that need to be followed at the time of undertaking the audit. In particular, this assists the assessor in maintaining costs of audit at a reasonable level and assists in averting misunderstanding with the clientele. Analytical approach to the financial declarations of the firm DIPL refers to the process of dissemination of the information from the financial declaration of the firm. This process of evaluation can be carried out by utilizing a variety of mechanisms. However, by using an analytical approach of analysing financial declarations, different accountants as well as financial analysts can decipher information in order to help in arriving at vital business decisions. Analytical approach of common sizing helps in analysing the financial declarations to a common reference point. This in turn help in comparing the financial statements in terms of different period of time or else in terms of different corporations. Assessors can take into consideration the different line of items mentioned in the financial report, check their way of reporting. For example, the way of registering items such as net assets or else net liabilities along with owners equity in the financial reporting of the firm and the examine the digression from the normal. Benchmarking that is regarded as an analytical procedure can be utilized for analysing audit plan. Variance of actual financial declaration from the benchmark helps in recognizing the deviation and assists in analysing the cause of the detected variance in order to determine the root cause. In addition to this, ratio analysis can be considered as an appropriate analytical approach that can be used for comparing financial declarations and assessing plan of audit. Explanation of the way the results influence planning decisions for the audit The results of the planning decisions for the audit planning is necessarily influenced by the results of the analytical approach adopted for disseminating information from the financial statements. For example, outcomes of the ratio analysis namely, current ratio of the firm DIPL is calculated to be 1.42 in 2013, 1.46 in 2014 and 1.5 in 2015. Again, profitability ratio that is the profit margin calculated to be 0.068 in 2013, 0.60 in 2014 and 0.06 in 2015. This profitability ratio can reveal the condition of the net income earned by the firm as compared to the net sales of the firm DIPL (Duncan and Whittington 2014). However, this too can help the assessor to understand whether expenses are low or else high and whether the management of the firm have the requirement to curtail budget and at the same time expends of the firm. The favourable or else unfavourable changes in the ratio can be used as a factor of reference for assessment /audit of the soundness of the financial health and overall financial condition of the firm DIPL. Again, for instance, the use of solvency ratio calculated to be 0.62 in 2013, 0.44 in 2014 and 0.21 in 2015 helps in understanding the desirable as well as undesirable trends in the financial condition of the firm. Similarly, comparison of the ratio over the three year period can help in understanding whether the overall flow of cash of the corporation is adequate enough to meet both the short as well as long term liabilities of the corporation DIPL. The assessors can understand the relative position of the firm over the three year period and analyse the factor that led to the undesirable or else unfavourable condition of the corporation (Nalewaik and Mills 2016). Identification of inherent risk factors that arise from nature of business operations of DIPL As such, there are several important factors in auditing that comprises of incidence of material misstatements in the financial announcements of a specific concern. However, it can be hereby make certain that there are different forms of systematic along with unsystematic risks that reflect the way towards financial misstatements in the financial declarations of corporations. However, the detected risks might possibly be due to both financial as well as non-financial factors that eventually can avert a specific corporation for reflecting a true as well as fair view of pertinent financial declarations. Nevertheless, an evaluator might perhaps find it demanding to detect certain risks. William Jr et al. (2016) opines that identified risks may well be linked to different risks correlated to omission along with risks of diverse errors that is unthinkable for a specific bookkeeper. In essence, this can be regarded as the inherent risk that might arise from nature of business operations of DIPL. According to the given study, it can be hereby made certain that there are numerous transactions that are particularly omitted by the accountants otherwise the management of the corporation DIPL. However, this can sequentially direct lead towards inconsistencies particularly owing to the ineffectual planning of essentially the marketing along with sales activities. Furthermore, evaluation of the financial declarations of the firm also reveals the fact that the firm has failed to accomplish the preferred profit level from the revenue from sales (Hayes 2014). Particularly, this might be due to the management failure of the firm in identification of specific requirements and consequent adjustment of the functionalities of the corporation. Thus, it can be hereby concluded that the business organization has failed to analyse different micro as well as macro-economic facets that might perhaps be in existence in the form of economic, political along with social factors. This is subsequently reflected in the poor sales figure of the firm and led to diverse inherent risks (Arens et al. 2016). Apart from this, the workers of the firm DIPL have also escalated the overall inherent risks. Due to lack of experience and proficiency of employees in the corporation, the inherent risks of the corporation have escalated substantially. This is because accomplishment of a specific business concern depends on the competency of the members of the staff. The non-proficient workforces can enhance the inherent risks since they are bound to commit mistakes for instance, the errors of exclusion that further leads the way towards the misstated pecuniary announcements (DeFond and Zhang 2014) Again, other significant facets that contribute towards the inherent risks can be categorised into different sections specifically, environmental along with external facets, material misstatements in previous periods along with falsified exercises. Different environmental facets that direct the way towards inherent risk comprises of swift alterations in which there might be issues associated to valuation of inventory, stiff competition in the generic market along with shortage of adequate capital (Knechel and Salterio 2016). In addition to this, the corporation also undertake material misstatements that might perhaps direct towards inherent risk in the upcoming period. Evaluation of the current case of DIPL reflects the fact that the complexities as well as difficulties involved in the process of succession of CEO also involves inherent risk. Essentially, succession of CEO can be considered to be different and the candidates are extremely individual (Louwers et al. 2015). However, there are several risks that are inherent in the process of succession of CEO, quality of procedure of selection together with ease of transition as process is handled. So, commencement of the process without complying with the strategy, initiating the process late, inadequate involvement of the CEO and departure of candidates leaving the company might possibly lead to inherent risks. Analysis of the given case reveals that the process of implementation of the novel IT system generated certain issues. DIPL did not enough number of staff to handle the process of execution and installation and carry out the reconciliation as well as testing essentially before the new arrangement prior to the end of the year. Again, initial testing revealed that certain transactions undertaken were not accurately apportioned to the correct time period. Thus, this led to the material misstatement owing to inherent factors that is necessarily error or else omission in a specific financial declaration (Eilifsen et al. 2013). Furthermore, the recording of the cash receipts by the finance professionals of the company might perhaps lead to inherent risks if not properly handled. The members of the staff need to follow a proper sequence so that accounts receivables are properly registered and accounts receivable ledger need to be properly maintained. In addition to this, the bank reconciliation also needs to be properly recorded thereon (Cannon and Bedard 2016). Again, registering the revenue generated from the e-book, taking account of reprint of textbooks if required in the upcoming period can lead to diverse inherent risks due to complexity involved in the process. In addition to this, process of valuation of different raw material inventory at particularly average cost was not suitable since the present cost of paper was considerably above the average cost. Risk and way it might affect the risk of material misstatement in the financial report The identified inherent risks can be considered as the susceptibility of a particular assertion in association to material misstatement. Excessive pressure on employees and management: - Excessive workload on members of the staff of the corporation leads to poor bookkeeping. This leads to certain attributes namely propensity to encounter cash flow issues, poor operating outcomes along with poor liquidity (Barton and Bruder 2014). Risks of errors or else incorrect misrepresentation: - There remains reliability and intricacy owing to risks of errors as well as misrepresentation simultaneously. Integrity of the entire management: - Management of DIPL essentially lacks requisite integrity and thereafter they are also expected to be prepared for reputation loss in the entire business community (Beasley 2015). Unusual pressure on management: - Sometimes it happens that there exists incentives for management that leads to misstatement in the pecuniary declarations (Barton and Bruder 2014). Nature of entity business: - DIPL also leads to growth to major economic along with competitive circumstances. Again, these facets might affect the overall inherent risk of business entity for analysing audit planning structure in an effective way (Beasley 2015). Identification and explanation of two key fraud risk factors relating to misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting Identification as well as explanation of fraud risk related to material misstatement As rightly indicated by (), fraud risk leads to considerable losses of assets owing to fraud. The dissatisfaction of the workforce owing to excessive workload of the employees can induce them to involve in fraud. In addition to this, expectations from different investors to report specific financial outcomes or particularly by management to attain specific performance targets leads to high fraud risk. There also remains strong pressure to declare specific financial outcomes in a bid to avert generating the guarantees. The major fraud risks that might occur owing to the operations of the firm DIPL include workforce engages in fraudulent actions due to higher level of dissatisfaction of employees. The given case study on the operations of DIPL mentions that there remains huge pressure from particularly the board to acquire a novel accounting system. This excessive pressure on the employees to carry out the process of installation of the new IT system for accounting might lead to fraud. This implies that the employees might engage in fraudulent activities and handle the procedure of reconciliation in an improper manner and subsequently material misstatement. The case study also illustrates that the improper handling of the process of execution of the implementation of the information technology for the accounting system led to improper allocation of certain transactions around the end of the year. This in turn might lead to loss due to material misstatement and fraud risk. Another fraud risk that might occur include the risk of financial reporting fraud. At the time when there is excessive expectation from outside financiers to declare specific financial announcements or else from management to meet specific performance targets or else to meet certain goals to qualify for acquiring debt, there remains high risk of improper financial announcements. The statement of financial position of the company DIPL shows that the revenue of the company has increased over the period 2013 to 2015. In addition to this, the gross profit as well as the net profit has also increased. Furthermore, the current assets and total assets of the corporation DIPL has also escalated. However, the case study reveals that during the year 2015, the company has acquired a loan amounting to 7.5 million particularly from BDO Finance. Besides this, the case study also reflects the fact that this particular loan has a specific loan agreement that requires DIPL to maintain a present a cur rent ratio of around 1.5 along with a debt equity of approximately lower than 1. This shows that this requirement might pressurize the company to maintain the financial ratio so that they can acquire the credit. Therefore, this might lead to fraudulent actions and lead to improper reflection of financial position. In essence, failure of the company to maintain the definite benchmarks can again make the company non-eligible to acquire finance from BDO Finance. Explanation of the way the risk factors identified According to the given case, it can be hereby stated that process of valuation of different raw material inventory at particularly average cost was not suitable since the present cost of paper was considerably above the average cost. Risk of identifying fraudulent actions involved in implementation of the new IT system can be carried out by monitoring different activities at different phases. The risk of financial reporting can be detected by carrying out evaluation of financial statements by assessors, monitoring control mechanisms from time to time. References Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J., Beasley, M.S. and Hogan, C.E., 2016.Auditing and assurance services. Pearson. Barton, H. and Bruder, N., 2014.A guide to local environmental auditing. Routledge. Beasley, M.S., 2015.Auditing cases: An interactive learning approach. Prentice Hall. Cannon, N. and Bedard, J.C., 2016. Auditing challenging fair value measurements: Evidence from the field.The Accounting Review. DeFond, M. and Zhang, J., 2014. A review of archival auditing research.Journal of Accounting and Economics,58(2), pp.275-326. Duncan, B. and Whittington, M., 2014, September. Compliance with standards, assurance and audit: Does this equal security?. InProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks(p. 77). ACM. Eilifsen, A., Messier, W.F., Glover, S.M. and Prawitt, D.F., 2013.Auditing and assurance services. McGraw-Hill. Hayes, R., Wallage, P. and Gortemaker, H., 2014.Principles of auditing: an introduction to international standards on auditing. Pearson Higher Ed. Knechel, W.R. and Salterio, S.E., 2016.Auditing: Assurance and risk. Taylor Francis. Louwers, T.J., Ramsay, R.J., Sinason, D.H., Strawser, J.R. and Thibodeau, J.C., 2015.Auditing assurance services. McGraw-Hill Education. Nalewaik, A. and Mills, A., 2016.Project Performance Review: Capturing the Value of Audit, Oversight, and Compliance for Project Success. CRC Press. William Jr, M., Glover, S. and Prawitt, D., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.
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